Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Wizard of Oz

Last week, Nozomi & I watched "The Wizard of Oz". It was the first time that Nozomi had seen it, but since I'm a typical American, I've probably seen it at least a dozen times. (Well, OK, maybe I'm NOT a typical American in many ways, but I AM in how many times I've seen that movie...) However, it had probably been 15 years since the last time that I watched. That gave me a very new perspective on the film.
It seemed much more sentimental than I had remembered; not necessarily in a bad way, I was just surprised at my reaction to viewing the movie now versus my memories of the feeling of the film. Also, I was struck at how art deco the design of the Emerald City was. I suppose some people might think, "of course it's a sentimental film and of course it has strong art deco style--it was made in 1939-what else would you expect?" Yes, rather obvious, but I guess that just reinforces how different the film seemed to me after not watching for so long.
Nozomi enjoyed it too, and it was fun to share a piece of American culture with her. Americans (and English-speaking North American culture sharers), have you ever thought about how much that film influences our culture? All of the phrases that are used in common speech as idioms? ("I'll get you, and your little dog too!" "Help me-I'm melting! What a world-what a world!" etc.) So, for your 1st, 10th, or 100th time, enjoy "The Wizard of Oz".

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