Sunday, November 9, 2008



If it isn't already very obvious, gokiburi means cockroach.

I was getting ready to make dinner, walked into the kitchen and Mr. Buri was slowly walking across the counter. After jumping about a foot backwards, I regathered my wits, remembered that Mr. Buri would start running VERY fast as soon as he figured out I was not his friend, and grabbed the nearest thing I saw that I could slap on top to capture him. Obviously, from the picture, that was a Ziploc container (that I will no longer be using for food storage).

Oregon doesn't have many cockroaches, so I haven't had much experience with them since I lived for a summer in San Diego. I'm really not happy that I had this experience, but I can't say I'm really surprised. It's the first time that I've actually seen one in this house, but I've heard many stories (and seen a couple of Mr. Buri's brothers or sisters outside by the garbage area). Including legs sticking out (bleah!) he's about the size of my thumb; I've heard they can be much bigger.

Mr. Buri is now trapped in his little plastic prison until I decide what to do with him . . .

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