Thursday, May 8, 2008

NEWS FLASH NUMBER 2: earthquake!

There was a fairly large earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan last night, about 1:00 am local time here. I actually woke up twice from the quake and then from an aftershock. As I was lying in bed wondering how serious it was and if I should get up and go outside, I counted slowly and got up to 35, if I remember right (I was pretty sleepy!)--in any case, it lasted quite a while! So, that's the strongest quake I've felt since I've been in Japan. BUT . . . there was no damage here, as far as I can tell (well, it shook a cannister of chewing gum off my desk, making a large noise that startled me; some of the pieces of gum were chipped, but I guess that can't be considered damage). Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your gum. I'm glad it wasn't worse. LOL!

Rob said...

Hi Becky! Yeah, the gum incident was kind of traumatic, but I think I'm over it now. ;-) I bought a couple of new cannisters of gum today, actually. I really like the flavor of Japanese gum; the only advantage American gum has over it is that the flavor lasts longer-I have no idea why. Japanese flavor + American longevity would = perfect gum...