Monday, April 14, 2008

Part three of Kappabashi--when we WEREN'T in Kappabashi

After leaving the Hanayashiki amusement park, As we were approaching the main area, we walked a few blocks to the nearby temple. a small group of geisha (or possibly maiko--click the link to Wikipedia for more info if you're interested) was leaving one of the buildings. That's not an uncommon scene here, but it made for a good photo in any case. One of my favorite pictures that I took while I was there is the cat sitting on the pedestal of the statue. There are quite a few wild cats at this temple, but I mean wild more in the sense of living on their own; the one in the picture was actually very friendly. At one end of the temple complex, there's a LOOOOOOONG shopping arcade that is frequently jammed with people--that was certainly the case the day we visited!

After leaving Asakusa, we took the train to the opposite side of "downtown" Tokyo in the district called Roppongi Hills. The last picture was taken on the observation deck of the Mori Building (where I went to the modern art museum previously). I posted pictures from that viewpoint before, but they were all night views--it was very cool to see the same view during the day.

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