Several tasks got completed yesterday-opening a bank account and getting a cell phone. Maybe you're thinking, "how is that several tasks?" Well, I'm glad you're thinking of that question so I can answer it! To open a bank account in Japan, you generally need a personal seal or stamp (in Japanese, an "inkan" or "hanko") [for a more detailed explanation: ]. I had assumed that exceptions would be made for foreigners, but at this bank, they required me to have one. Shinya, my friend, former student, and now co-teacher, graciously interpreted and helped me through all the tasks of the day, otherwise I would never have been able to do it. (In spite of the fact that many Japanese people have studied English and can use it functionally, I don't think I would have been able to open a bank account by myself.) The bank worker explained to Shinya that I would need to have an inkan with my name made, and suggested a possible place to do it. Because we got to the bank at around 2:00 pm, and many banks in Japan (including this one) close at 3:00 pm, we would really have to hurry. The bank worker called the store that made inkans and inquired for us. Shinya said the bank was being unusually helpful by doing this. With the careful verbal directions given to us by the bank worker, we managed to get to the inkan shop in about five minutes. (Verbal directions and navigation by landmark are the norm even in large cities in Japan; street addresses range from semi-useful to confusing to useless, but that's a completely different story I'll save for another time...) Inside the shop, the worker confirmed that this was the place the bank worker had phoned. Shinya explained to me that the worker said that my inkan/seal would have to be handcarved since it was a foreign name. Normally that has a one week turnaround, but the worker said he would try to complete it in 20 minutes (!!!) so we could get back to the bank before it closed. Shinya then said that the inkan shop worker was being UNBELIEVABLY helpful in attempting to do this. I paid for the seal, we left the shop, and then we went for a short walk to give the worker time to make the seal. We returned a little less than 20 minutes later, and the beaming staff indicated that the inkan/stamp was already completed and ready to go. Amazing! A small, intricate, wooden ink stamp handcarved in under 20 minutes! (I'll try to post a picture of it soon.) We expressed our thanks multiple times, and hurried back to the bank. We got there a few minutes before closing time, I exchanged some US money, they accepted my application, complete with the inkan/stamp signature, and I had a Japanese bank account! The story of getting the cell phone isn't nearly as interesting, except that it's a good thing that I got the inkan/seal to open the bank account, because as it turned out, the cell phone company required my stamp on the phone contract as well! The only other thing of note about the cell phone is that I was surprised at how much monthly charges are here; Shinya called his father, and they put me on their family share plan, which will save me quite a bit of money each month. Thanks again!!!
The whole bank-inkan experience reminded me again of God's provision and how He is in control. He showed His love by reconfirming to me that this is where I'm supposed to be right now; He will continue to guide.