Friday, May 25, 2012

Japanese Cowboy English

I was watching TV a few days ago (which is actually fairly rare) and I happened to see this show on public television. I don't know if the cowboy is a regular character from the show, but the kids in the video really liked him. If you are curious about creative English lessons for kids on Japanese TV, take a look...
(The audio is bad, sorry; I just took a video of the TV, and the sound was turned down too low.)
(Video is offline.)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leo / Reo

Some of you have already heard: there is a new feline family member at the Kusaka family house. This video was taken right before we went to Hawaii, and he's actually much bigger now. Reo is a usual name in Japanese (pronounced something like "Ray-Oh" in English), but in English you could also transliterate it as "Leo" (as in "Leo the Lion").
He's a pretty typical kitten, and loves to play in baskets, boxes, bags, clothes, papers, . . . well, he just loves to play.
(I muted the original sound, which had no interesting cat noises or dialog, and inserted part of Haydn's "Surprise Symphony", just so it wouldn't be silent.)
(Video is offline.)