Friday, March 30, 2012

Where in the world are we? continuing from my last post: here are five pictures to help you guess where we are. Yeah, I know, most of you already know. But if you didn't already hear, send me your guesses if you want (and yes, it's pretty obvious from the pictures, I think....)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tokyo Sky Tree

The Tokyo Sky Tree was finished last month on February 29th. It doesn't officially open for a few more weeks, but the tickets to go to both the lower and upper observatory decks are sold out through sometime later in the summer according to some reports. As you can see, it is incredibly tall.

I took this picture from the bus on the way to Narita airport. Hmm.... I wonder where Rob & Nozomi are going.......
More later...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A new family member

Welcome to a new member of the family. He arrived last week. His name is Reo (Leo) and he is a three-month-old Scottish Fold kitten. Nozomi´s sister bought him, but he's living at Nozomi´s parents´ house right now. He is mecha gucha kawaii (crazy cute).

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Egg-zactly what I needed to make me laugh...

My funny, creative wife put some artistic creations in the refrigerator...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

03.11 Memorial Service

Sunday afternoon singers and musicians from Minemachi Church had the opportunity to play at a concert to remember the victims of last year's earthquake and tsunami. It was a great time, and we were able to pray and share a message of hope with the people who attended.

P.S. About those sunglasses... the stage where we played is outdoors, and at my angle the sunlight was in my eyes. I'm really NOT trying to look cool. REALLY. (Well, OK, maybe a LITTLE...)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Beverly Hills Burger

I thought about making a video with "Axel F Theme" playing in the background, but you can add the music mentally if you want...
This was my favorite Big America Burger so far! It has avocado sauce, white cheesy sauce and fried onion pieces on a quarter pounder patty with cheese and a fried egg. I think McDs burgers are usually too dry; this one has LOTS of sauce so that's a plus for me. Like I asked about the other special edition burgers, "what connection does this have with Beverly Hills?". Again, I have no idea, but this is the only special edition burger that actually made me think I want to go back and have another.
As always, advertising pictures look better than the real thing, but here's what it REALLY looked like:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Chickens Are Back...

...well, maybe they didn't really go anywhere.
The weather today was suddenly much warmer, so I took a short walk in the neighborhood this afternoon. The chickens looked happy (at least I imagine they were). The last time I saw them was many weeks ago.
I also saw some of the street cats at the dormitory next to the neighboring church. One of the sisters was outside the back door feeding the cats and talking to them. It would have been a great picture, but I felt a little rude taking a picture without asking since I was so close, so you'll have to imagine...