Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vending Machine Shock

Americans who visit (or stay in) Japan are often surprised by how many vending machines there are here. Often, there are two groups of machines per city block. On a small highway far outside a large city, you can find vending machines along the side of the road surrounded by nothing but farms. I read a figure that Japan has one vending machine for every 23 people-that's the highest rate in the world. There is also an amazing variety of machines. Of course, soda and coffee machines are everywhere and cigarette and beer machines are common too. But I have also seen machines that sell milk, cup-o-noodle, disposable cameras, batteries and more. So now you will understand why the following situation surprised me...
Tonight, Nozomi & I stopped at the post office to mail a letter. Before we went, we stopped at a convenience store to buy a stamp (convenience stores in Japan: that's a whole other story...). At the post office I asked Nozomi if there are stamp vending machines inside. I didn't remember seeing any, but I was sure that there must be some. Her simple answer produced a very strange, double-reversed culture shock. The answer was, "no". There are so many things that you CAN buy from vending machines here, that when I heard that one of the few things that you can buy from a vending machine in America CANNOT be bought from a vending machine in Japan, I was stunned.
I do have to mention that Nozomi said that there used to be stamp vending machines here, and that it might be only in Utsunomiya that for some strange reason they suddenly fell out of fashion. But now that I'm thinking about it, I can't remember seeing one anywhere. So, residents of Japan, any ideas about why the vending machine capital of the world doesn't sell stamps the way it sells so many other things?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Japanese Space Food!

Yesterday I had Space Curry for lunch, and this morning I had Space Bread for breakfast! Hurray, I'm an astronaut! Both of these were souvenirs from a student who visited a science museum that's connected to the Japanese Space Agency. They were both very tasty!
Space food reminds me of a time when I was in elementary school. I saw a commercial for a snack food product that was being advertised as "eaten by the NASA astronauts in space!" (peanut butter & jelly paste in a tube or some strange thing). My mother didn't want to buy it, probably assuming it wouldn't taste very good and would be thrown away later. I asked enough times that we finally tried it. I don't remember much except that it wasn't good, and we threw it away later...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cloud Bear 3

Well, in case you're tired of looking, but want to see what I see, I labeled a picture. It was much more impressive in person, so I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but I thought it was pretty wonderful...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cloud Bear Part Two

Did you find the bear yet? I was originally planning to post all these pictures together, but the computer had a different plan. It was probably quite difficult to find in the first picture I posted unless you REALLY like a challenge. If you still don't see the bear in the last picture, I guess I have too active of an imagination...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cloud Bear

Last week, there were a couple of amazing sunsets. Along with the amazing sunsets there were beautifully shaped clouds. This one really inspired my imagination -- can you see the bear? (Kumo ni kuma-o mieru?)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween Candy, Japanese Style

Question: How can you know that Halloween is coming soon in Japan?
Answer: There's a special KitKat flavor, of course!
It's been a long time since Nozomi & I found a KitKat flavor that we hadn't already tasted, seen, or at least heard about, and even longer since I've posted a picture of one. So, the latest: PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE! They are actually quite good, and really taste like pumpkin cheesecake! (For those of you in America thinking, "well, why WOULDN'T it taste like the name?" I will simply ask this about American candy flavors: does watermelon candy REALLY taste like watermelon to you? I didn't think so...)
So, if you haven't seen my KitKat collection pictures yet (or already have, but are very excited about a second look!), click here:
KitKat Collection
BTW: those pictures (more than 40) are about half of my collection; I've still got to organize the rest of the pictures and post them.