Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mont Blanc Pepsi was actually pretty good!

I'm not quite sure what the fascination is here with unusual promotional flavors. If you read my blog, of course you know about all the KitKat varieties. (And Nozomi found a VERY unusual new one today which I'll post later...)
So, friends/family from the States (or Australia or New Zealand or ...), has that become more popular there recently? I just can't imagine Pepsi making "New York Cheesecake" flavor (just an example, but who knows, it might show up here...) or anything similar in the US.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The ginkgo trees have finally changed color

I might have already posted pictures of these trees last year; they're in a park not too far from the church. Last year, they were this shade of yellow two or three weeks earlier. Many people come to this park just to walk along this sidewalk and others that are lined with fall colors. Nozomi told me that the title of the statue of the girl simply says "bubble".

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fall colors

I think I mentioned before that fall started late this year-many trees are just starting to have rich autumn colors now. I took this picture in the play area at the school where I taught today. I just used my cell phone camera, so the light isn't balanced, but you can get an idea of what things look like now. The weather has been fantastic for the last several days, and the blue sky is supposed to continue for a while. Thank You, God, for a beautiful creation!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kaki + Nashi = yum!

Persimmons and Asian pears are two very good things about fall in Japan. I ate Asian pears in Oregon sometimes, but they were expensive, and I think I only ate a persimmon once in my life before coming to Japan. Now they are two of my favorite fruits. (Another is karin (quince), but I'll save that for another time.)
The nights are getting a little cold, but during the day the air is warm and dry. (Hurray! No humidity!) I hope this lasts for a while, but the prediction is for an unusually cold winter, so I'll enjoy fall and the harvest as long as I can.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wow! A morning earthquake and an evening earthquake!

The first one, this morning, was small and short. The second one, about twenty minutes ago, was strong enough to make me get up and go stand in a doorway. I started counting seconds because it was lasting so long-I got up to 30, and probably started counting at least 10 seconds after the earthquake began. That's a pretty long quake... But don't worry-no damage and no problems!

Posted via email from robasso