Saturday, September 25, 2010


Nozomi baked homemade butter rolls this afternoon. I ate one with some of the last quince (karin) jam that we made last fall. YUM!
(If anyone knows where we can pick some quince this year, please tell me!)

BIG moth at UICS family camp

The insects here definitely get MUCH bigger than they do in Oregon. Later in the day I saw a very large mantis too.
Actually, this isn't the biggest moth I've seen here; last year at one of the schools where I teach I saw one that might have been almost twice as big, but it was sitting on a window high in the wall, so the perspective made it hard to see exactly how big it was.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nozomi, my cousin Elaine, and me at my uncle & aunt's house

We returned to our long tradition of taking a crazy "jumping shot picture" this year during our visit to America. Friends who have never seen any of the pictures from the past, if you really want to see others, let me know...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pictures from my father's birthday party/family reunion

This post is mostly for my family to download pictures, but friends who want to see them are welcome to look!

Update: these pictures were originally posted as a gallery on my other blog, but this blog doesn't seem to have a way to make a gallery, so this is going to be a BIG post... you'll have to do a lot of scrolling...